OnGuard Safety Training has completed the Queensland Department of Education’s Online Service Risk Review process. This assessment process follows the Safer Technologies 4 Schools initiative. It is a standardised approach to evaluating digital products and services used by schools across Australia against a nationally consistent framework.
Safe and Secure

From its inception in 2008, OnGuard Safety Training Pty Ltd has designed its Learning Management System with privacy, security and eSafety in mind. This proactive and protective design and our long heritage as publishers of eLearning safety training resources in the education sector, combine to give you peace of mind. When signing up to an OnGuard Safety subscription you can be confident that the data relating to the students in your care is private, safe and secure.

Two Factor Authentication for Teachers

A future optional feature will enable the Administrator to elect to turn on our Two Factor Authentication for teachers. This adds an extra layer of protection to Administrator and Course Teacher accounts. Even if your passphrase/password was to become compromised your mobile phone or your email account would still be needed to authorise access and login to your account.

Privacy through Administrator Level Control

Each school account can have one or more Administrators whose role it is to perform bulk management tasks for the school. They also ensure the privacy of the students by limiting each teacher’s access to only the courses and students for whom they are responsible. Teachers can only manage and see the details of courses created by themselves or allocated to them by a school Administrator. A teacher who has been assigned to a course can see the names of other teachers assigned to the same course. Teachers are also unable to add or remove other teachers from the system. Only the school Administrator can add teachers into the system. Administrators are encouraged to conduct a GLOBAL RESET of all student and teacher passphrases/passwords at the start of the school year and at other regular intervals such as start of term.

Working with Children Checks

All OnGuard Safety staff have been subject to the Australian State’s Working With Children Check.

Best Practice Internal Standards and Controls

OnGuard Safety operations conform to best practice security and privacy principles to ensure that student and teacher data is safe and secure. Students cannot upload data to the OnGuard Learning Management System. Teachers can upload text, pictures, videos and documents to the LMS though the Custom Content Editing portal. This feature enables teachers the option to create their own course material and present to their own students via the OnGuard LMS.

Cyber-Bully Free Environment

Students are unable to communicate with each other using the OnGuard Safety Learning Management System. It is impossible for inappropriate bullying communications to occur. Course teachers can send notices to individual students in their courses or to all the students in one of their courses. The teacher can attach documents to these notices. Students are unable to reply to these notices via the LMS.

No Third Party Advertising

No Google ads, no third-party advertising banners, no ability for outside parties to display material, no in-app purchases targeting students. OnGuard Safety does not have any affiliated organisations or companies.

Minimal Requirement for Student Information
  • Students cannot self enrol.
  • Students cannot edit information added by the school Administrator.
  • Limited display of personal information to protect a student’s identity.
  • School name, Year level, UserID as determined by Administrator.
  • As little as one letter in the student’s GivenName or a pseudonym used.
  • A single letter, whole FamilyName or a pseudonym used.
  • Use of a student’s FamilyName is entirely at the discretion of Administrator.
  • The Administrator will determine the student personal information used.
  • Student names can be used to assist with class management but are only visible within the school by the course teacher and the school Administrator.
  • Student personal information such as age, DOB, gender, email address, mobile, number or profile photo cannot be added and stored in the LMS.
  • All passwords/passphrases for students and teachers cannot be viewed by anyone including the Administrator. A password/passphrase self-reset feature is available.
  • Student training records and reports are only available to course teachers and the Administrator.
  • Student GivenNames only used on student leader boards.
Parent Information Not Required

Accounts created are school based subscriptions and do not require or collect any information regarding the parents of students.

No Access to Student Data by Third Parties
  • Student data cannot be viewed by third parties including other teachers within the school unless these teachers are directly assigned as course teachers or have Administrator status.
  • There is no access to student data by any third parties outside the school staff unless authorised by the Administrator.
Data Storage and Transfer
  • All of our data is stored in Sydney, Australia using the Microsoft Azure platform. These are Information Security Manual (ISM) Compliant as assessed by the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP).
  • All data transfers are encrypted.
  • All stored data is encrypted.
  • All data stored within the OnGuard Safety servers is regularly backed up to an auxillary server in a separate geographical location.
  • Administrators are emailed complete backups of student and staff training data on an optional weekly or monthly basis. The data is in CSV format and zipped before it is attached to the Administrator’s email.
  • OnGuard Safety engages an Australian Server Management company to regularly monitor software updates, security patches and malicious software attacks.
Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy sets out our approach to this vital area. Copies are available from this website.